How to Beat the Bloat During Perimenopause & Menopause

Do you walk around all day feeling bloated? Are you feeling and looking like you are pregnant even though you aren't? If so, there are solutions to this problem. 

Menopause symptoms can begin several years before you reach menopause. This time is known as perimenopause. Menopause is defined as the lack of a menstrual period for 12 concurrent months. This happens because your ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone. After menopause, you can no longer get pregnant. Once you haven’t experienced a period for 12 months, you’re considered postmenopausal.

Bloating is a common symptom during these transitional years. During perimenopause, your hormones are changing rapidly. That can lead to higher levels of estrogen. Estrogen causes your body to retain water, which can lead to bloating.

You may also experience bloating during these years because of your diet and lifestyle choices. The good news is that you have control over your diet and lifestyle and you have an opportunity to make better choices multiple times per day. 

Here are my top tips for beating the bloat: 

1. Drink LOTS of water all day long. Aim for 2 liters of water each day. 

2. Add a teaspoon or two of raw apple cider vinegar to your water. I recommend Bragg's brand apple cider vinegar.

 3. Exercise every day. You should be moving your body for a minimum of 30 minutes everyday. During these 30 minutes, you should be working hard enough that it is difficult to carry on a conversation. 

4. Try some twisting yoga poses. Look up "yoga poses for bloating" and you will find so many to choose from. Start doing some each day and you will be amazed at how much it will help your bloating

5. Eat LOTS of veggies. The veggies have fiber and the fiber will help get things moving in your digestive tract. Your diet is the #1 thing you can do to stop the bloating. Focus on working towards a diet that is predominately plants (vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, whole grains). You can start out by drinking a large green smoothie each day or eating a large salad each day. Many people think they are eating a lot of vegetables but I'm pretty certain they aren't eating nearly enough as they should. CLICK HERE & CLICK HERE for some great plant-based recipes to get started.

6. Food journal to find out if specific foods are causing your bloat. Then try removing those foods from your diet. Common foods that can cause bloating can be gluten, dairy, processed sugar, alcohol, caffeine, processed meats and MSG. Start removing these foods from your diet and you will quickly see a reduction in your bloating. 

7. Chew more and eat slower. Chewing helps produce enzymes that help the digestion process. Stop eating your meals quickly and on-the-go. One common piece of advice is to chew your food an estimated 32 times before swallowing. Yes, 32 times! Of course, some softer foods will not require that much. Once your bite of food has lost its texture in your mouth, you can swallow.

8. Walk after each meal. Taking a quick 15-20 minute walk after you eat can significantly reduce bloating. This speeds the rate at which food moves through your stomach, aiding digestion.

9. Epsom salt baths. The magnesium in the Epsom salts take the excess water and toxins from your body. Do this at night and you will get the added bonus of better sleep. 

10. Be aware that certain medications can cause bloating. This is a very common reason for bloating and one that is often overlooked. If you suspect it is a medication then talk with your health practitioner about alternatives.

11. Eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and fermented pickles. They contain digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria needed to help your body absorb essential nutrients. Eating these foods can reduce symptoms of bloating. 

12. Fennel, peppermint, ginger and chamomile are herbs that can help with bloating. You can buy them as tea. Here are the teas that I recommend to my clients:

Fennel Tea - Click Here

Mint Tea - Click Here 

Ginger Tea - Click Here

Digestive Blend Tea - Click Here


These are some great tips for you to start beating the bloat. Start incorporating them into your daily life. Please remember that there is NO MAGIC BULLET to getting rid of the bloat. You need to make diet and lifestyle changes every single day. You can start with one or two things from this list but you cannot expect big improvements until you are incorporating most of them into your daily life. Consistency and patience are key to getting relief from bloating. 

When we take the focus off of balancing our hormones and instead put the focus on balancing our habits, we can start to see and feel amazing changes in our bodies. 

Of all the things listed above, the one thing that will have the biggest impact on beating the bloat is your daily diet. What you put at the end of your fork multiple times per day is the single biggest thing you can change to beat the menopause bloat. 

If you want to learn more about beating the bloat in midlife, losing weight and naturally balancing hormones then come join us in our programs made specifically for women in midlife. You do not have to suffer through this phase of life. 









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